Blended Learning Guide

Educational considerationsI like this!  Educational Considerations for Blended Learning is a short booklet from the ENTICE project at Brunel.  It highlights 8 topics to consider when embedding technology into campus-based teaching.  I really like the simplicity of the structure and it’s accessibility.  It’s an easy read which isn’t always the case for pedagogy-based stuff 😉

Need to think about how best to use it next… oh, I came across this on  the e4innovation blog and Grainne Conole has written a bit more about it than I’ve had time to this morning!

Seven things

Dice showing sevenThanks to Blogging IT & EDucation for a reminder about EDUCAUSE’s “Seven Things You Should Know About…” series. I’d used a couple before – covering blogs and wikis – as supplementary handouts in workshops. However I’d no idea how many there were, it’s a monthly thing. As well as the obvious candidates: Podcasting, YouTube, RSS, there are plenty of less well-known topics such as Lulu, Ning & Haptics, so something for all the family!

